Saturday, November 9, 2013

Choosing your own path and not following blindly

(This is an old post I never got around to publishing…  It may need some tweaking, but I figured I should just post it since it's over a year old.  Forgive me for errors or ending suddenly)
What crazy driving I saw the other day.  I was sitting at the stop light, and the left turn light turned green.  I think we've almost all been tempted to go when we see the turn light turn green even if we're going straight.  We se a green light, and we think go--but then we stop when we realize it isn't the light for going straight that turned green.  But today I was surprised.  One car actually went straight on the red light while the other cars turned.  Not only one, but the two other cars behind it went straight through the red light too.  Thank goodness there weren't any other cars on the other side of the street turning left, or there would have been a nasty accident.  In addition to seeing the other car in front of them go straight, that's probably why the other two cars followed the first car--there wasn't any danger for going through at the moment because no other cars were turning, so they assumed, with both things combined, that it must be there time to turn.  But none of them even glanced up to look at the stop light for themselves?  Really?  They just followed blindly behind the first car that made the mistake.  Maybe they did look up, but then realized it was too late and that they might as well just go through, but still...

This made me think about life.  Lately I've been making some large decisions that will greatly change the course of my life.  Ironically, at the same time, I've had a lot of my close confidants move further away, which has led me to have to make more decisions on my own and not rely on them as much.  Although, really, I haven't been making them on my own.  I've learned that I actually CAN'T make them on my own, and that God needs to be the first place I turn to.  I'm learning to rely on Him in a way I never had before.  

Please don't get me wrong--I'm not saying you shouldn't turn to other people for advice.  In fact, talking to other people is a VERY important part in large decisions.  But once and a while, it's good to evaluate where we are going.  Just because we have been on a course does not mean that we need to stay on it, or that we even SHOULD stay on it.  There are seasons for different ideas, places, people, ect., and so we need to make sure that we re-evaluate where we are and where we want to go.

Are we just going forward because that's the path we've been on, and because the person in front of us, like the cars, is going that direction?  Be careful who you follow.  Sometimes, even with what seems like safe circumstances, we need to evaluate the circumstances for ourselves and make sure that everything truly is safe and good.  The light may actually be red, and we're just following the cars in front of us because they went forward.  Maybe it won't hurt us because at the moment no one on the other side of the road is turning left, but eventually, chances are, if we keep following so blindly without watching carefully, we will crash and realize only too late that we are on the wrong road.

D&C 78:10   Otherwise Satan seeketh to turn their hearts away from the truth, that they become blinded and 
understand not the things which are prepared for them.

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